Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shankar Bidari Tries to break the Ice

"Bangalore Police" have once again cracked the Mistery behind the Murder case of the city. The Shankar Bidari team I would call it, have brought out the murderer of Priyanka Gupta. The police are doing wonderful job consistently for a while now, have brought the law-and-order problem of the State to an acceptably better condition than the Dharam-Singh and Kumara swamy governments.

I would like to salute the police team for their sincere and self-less efforts. I agree there would be some wrong men in the khakhi, but, as a whole, I think it is time to appreciate them. They have solved the case immediately leaving no room for the culprit to escape or allow him to destroy the evidence. Sathishkumar Gupta is behind bars now.

Bidari stands out in handling the case in his own way, though I am opposed to his way of making press conference by himself, and not allowing any other officer to speak whenever they unearth the case, I am much impressed by his way of addressing the cases. He is really concentrating on solving the core issues than opposed to the much hyped Sangliana way of execution.

He had held a conference a week before also urging the couples not to resort to getting the partner eliminated in case of misunderstandings or if they are not interested in the relationship any more. This has much of relevant at these times, looking at the increasing crimes where it could have been avoided. I stand by him in saying there are better ways to live on the earth.

Hats off to Bangalore Police once again.


At 2:15 PM, Blogger manjunathmb said...

Yeah true... the police are doing a good job now.
And hats off to you too Daya for bringing up such news which many of us would have missed :)

At 4:07 PM, Blogger daya said...

Thank you Manju, your inspirations can take me farther and higher :)


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